Última alteração: 2024-01-07
This article aims to verify the profile of the academic publication on Smart Cities and Digital Transformation. In this way, a theoretical framework involving smart cities is presented, focusing on technological readiness and smart city assessment models. The concepts of digital transformation and technological elements involved in smart cities are presented, and a cross-referencing of information on digital transformation and smart cities is presented. A bibliometric analysis is performed, searching for works in the Web of Science and Scopus® related to the themes, and the treatment of the results is performed using the software R®, Bibliometrix® and VosViewer®. In the bibliometric analysis, there was an increase in the number of studies related to Smart Cities and Digital Transformation from 2017 to 2023 and indications that they are related to terms such as Economics and Social Effects and Economy and Population Statistics, indicating possible opportunities for future research.
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